The Cowans at Seminary

Supporting Us in Prayer

Thank you for committing to support us in prayer as Jonathan makes his way through four years of seminary education.  Here are the ways you can pray for us.

Fall Semester 2011
  • Jonathan is carrying his heaviest class load yet this semester and has added an unpaid internship at the Kirk of the Hills to his responsibilities. Please pray for strength, stamina and the ability to do all things to the glory of God.
  • Victor is delayed in speech development. We have a referral from his pediatrician for a specialist which will be covered by insurance, but please pray for wisdom in choosing a therapist and for Victor's words to come.
  • We praise the Lord for our financial supporters, and are still praying toward $1000 in support each month.
  • Please pray that we will be able to sell our house in Columbus. It continues to be a struggle.